Advanced Design of Asynchronous Circuits
11-12 July 2019 at Dialog Semiconductor, Germiring, Germany
This course covers a variety of advanced topics, including logic decomposition and technology mapping for complex STGs, and also initialisation and testing of speed-independent circuits.
Day 1: Initialisation, loop breaking, hierarchy
- Initialisation of speed-independent circuits
- Practical (1 hour) – Initialisation of speed-independent circuits
- Loop breaking and testing
- Practical (1 hour) – Loop breaking and offline testing
- N-way conformation
- Lecture and demo (30 min) – slides (216 KiB)
- Practical (1 hour) – Verification and synthesis of hierarchical designs
- Support for hierarchical design in Workcraft
- Vision on automation and reuse (30 min) – slides (749 KiB)
- Demo of progress so far (30 min)
Day 2: Logic decomposition, technology mapping, timing conditions
- Logic decomposition and Technology mapping
- Lecture (1 hour) – slides (681 KiB)
- Surgery of interesting STGs (1 hour)
- Practical (1 hours) – Logic decomposition and technology mapping
- Design of interrupt handler (30 min) – slides (1 MiB)
- Design with timing conditions (30 min) – slides (795 KiB)
- Demo of Verimap for converting single-rail RTL netlists into a dual-rail circuits resistant to DPA attacks (30 min)
- Private demos and discussions (2 hours)
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