The best margins for printout:

A typical layout of Workcraft main window is as follows.

Editor panel occupies the central area of the window. Here the models are displayed for editing and analysis. The following shortcuts are used to navigate the model view:

Main menu groups all the actions available for the current graph model; many of them are accessible via keyboard shortcuts. Global tools toolbar at the top edge accumulates frequently used actions.

Property editor is located at the right side of the window and is used for displaying and modifying the properties of the selected graph elements.

Model tools and Tool controls toolbars are located on the left side. Some tools require more spacious panel to display additional information – such Tool controls panel appears as at the right side, instead (or in addition to) the Property editor.

The bottom panel is reserved for the following tabs:

The layout of panels and tabs can be re-arranged - just drag-and-drop any panel in a new location, remove it from the layout or add it to again via View→Windows menu. The default layout can be restored via View→Reset UI layout menu item.

Model tools

This panel provide access to frequently used tools for capturing, modification and simulation of the graph models.

Some of the tools are implemented in the core of Workcraft and are available in all the plugins. These include selection, connection and text note tools.

Most of the tools are model-specific and are implemented by the corresponding plugin. For example, the Directed Graph plugin implements a basic vertex generator tool while the Petri net plugin implements place generator, transition generator and simulation tools.

Tool Controls

This panel provides access to the extended functionality (if present) of a selected tool. Of the generic tools only the Selection tool and Simulation tool have such extended functionality.

Selection controls

The selection tool controls provide means to transform the selected nodes and connections of the model.

Note the difference between groups and pages. Groups are just unnamed decorations for several nodes, while pages are named nodes containing other nodes.

Simulation controls

The simulation tool controls provides the means to analyse and navigate the simulation data. There are two sources of simulation data:

  • Trace - the base sequence of events, often from an external tool, e.g. a trace leading to a deadlock.
  • Branch - the deviated sequence of events executed by explicitly clicking the excited nodes of the model.

Usually the event names correspond to the model nodes whose execution changed the state of the model. The sequences of events are recorded in the corresponding columns of the TraceBranch table. You can click the name of the event in either column to restore the model state just before that event has happened.

The navigation through the simulation data can be done with the following buttons:

The slide bar under the navigation buttons controls the speed of playback for the existing or randomly generated sequence of events.

Note that Signal Transition Graph and Digital Circuit plugins extend the simulation controls with the signal state table. The first column of the table lists all the signals of the STG while the second column captures the current state of each signal - 0, 1 or ? if the state undefined. The state of excited signals (whose transition is currently enabled) is emphasised by bold font (1, 0, or ?).

Property editor

The Property editor panel enables displaying and modifying the attributes of a model and its elements. It has four distinctive modes of operation:

The base list of properties depends on the element type but may be extended by the plugins implementing a particular interpreted graph model. The elements available in all the models are nodes, connections, groups and text notes. For example, here is a typical list of properties for graph nodes and connections.

Node properties

Property editor for a node

Note 1: There is a difference between the label and name of a node. The name is a unique ID of a node, often automatically generated by the tool and used for cross-referencing the model elements. The label is an arbitrary textual note associated with the node.

Note 2: The available positioning of node label and name are top, bottom, left, right, center, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right.

Connection properties

Property editor for a connection

Tips and Tricks



Clipboard and History

