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Recent versions of Bison (e.g. v3.6.2 in MacPort and v3.5.1 in Ubuntu 20.04) have a new way to detect reduce/reduce conflicts. This affects generating a parser from unflib/pn_parse_hl.y grammar – the following error is reported by Bison: reduce/reduce conflicts: 162 found, 54 expected. A workaround is to change the number of expected reduce/reduce conflicts from 54 to 162.

for Linux

These instructions also work for Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
See WSL documentation for detailed setup instructions.

  • Install development packages:
    sudo apt install gcc gcc-multilib  # GCC v9.3.0
    sudo apt install g++ g++-multilib  # G++ v9.3.0
    sudo apt install bison flex        # Bison v3.5.1
    sudo apt install make dos2unix
    sudo apt install libhwloc-dev
  • Run make cleanall and remove all static libraries (*.a files)
  • Run make

Binaries produced in Ubuntu 20.04 and 18.04 require Linux kernel v3.2.0 or newer. This may cause problems for EDA servers that often run Red Hat 6 with kernel v2.6.32. A workaround is to configure a build environment under Ubuntu 16.04 instead:

  1. Note that if you are using WSL, then Ubuntu 16.04 needs to be installed manually, via PowerShell:
    curl.exe -L -o ubuntu-1604.appx
    Add-AppxPackage .\Ubuntu_1604.2019.523.0_x64.appx
  2. Install GCC 8 and set it as a default alternative:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
    sudo apt install gcc-8 gcc-8-multilib g++-8 g++-8-multilib
    sudo update-alternatives \
      --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-8 20 \
      --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-8 \
      --slave /usr/bin/gcov gcov /usr/bin/gcov-8
  3. Install other dependencies, excluding Bison (see below):
    sudo apt install m4 make flex dos2unix libhwloc-dev
  4. Build Bison v3.5.1 from source (only v3.0.4 is available from Ubuntu official repo, which is too old):
    tar xzfv bison-3.5.1.tar.gz
    cd bison-3.5.1
    sudo make install

for OSX

  1. Use MacPort to install GCC:
    sudo port install gcc8 +universal
    #sudo port select --list gcc
    sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc8
  2. Install OpenSSL, Bison and DOS2Unix:
    sudo port install bison
    sudo port install openssl
    sudo port install dos2unix
  3. Use OSX flags:
    cp flags_osx flags

    The changes are as follows:

    • the flag -static is replaced with -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc in CFLAGS
    • the flags -Wl,–whole-archive and -Wl,–no-whole-archive are removed from CXXFLAGS
  4. Change the number of expected reduce/reduce conflicts from 54 to 162 in unflib/parse_hl.y grammar file:
    sed -i'' 's/%expect-rr 54/%expect-rr 162/g' unflib/parse_hl.y
  5. Run make cleanall and remove all static libraries (*.a files)
  6. Run make

for Windows

  1. Install a relatively modern version of Visual Studio, e.g. Visual Studio Community 2022
  2. Install and configure WSL2 with a Linux distribution of your choice (e.g. Ubuntu), and install Flex and Bison packages there (they will be used from Visual Studio via WSL2 calls for generating parsers)
  3. Copy FlexLexer.h from Flex package into include directory of Visual Studio installation (e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.32.31326\include\)
  4. Run Visual Studio and configure it to produce Release binaries for Win32 platform (see Solution Configuration and Solution Platform dropdown boxes)
  5. Build the binaries via Build→Build Solution menu
  6. Run make_unf_tools.bat to pack the produced binaries into a zip file
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