The following FSM models a basic Vending Machine:
Re-create it in Workcraft:
is the initial state; this can be set by selecting a node and editing its properties using the Property editor panels0
to s1
in the picture below) – you can use polylines and/or Bezier curvesSimulate your model (by pressing the button in the Model tools toolbar). Try to re-create the following scenarios:
Formally verify (using Verification menu) whether the FSM
Re-create the following FSM in Workcraft and save it in a different file (to draw curved arcs you need to change the connection type from Polyline to Bezier as explained here):
Simulate your model. Try to re-create the following scenarios:
that enables a windfall of coins (this scenario should be impossible)Verify the properties of this FSM as in the previous exercise. Can you explain the verification results?
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