===== Feedback =====
Action mail support@workcraft.org Fieldset "Comments or suggestions for improving this tutorial" Textbox "Name (optional)" /^((?!<\/nowiki>).)*$/ ! email "Email (optional)" /^((?!<\/nowiki>).)*$/ ! textarea "Feedback" /^((?!<\/nowiki>).|\n)*$/ submit
* As discussed in [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:include#controlling_header_size_in_included_pages]], by default, the headers in included pages start one level lower than the last header in the current page. This can be tweaked by adding an empty header above the include:\\ ====== ====== {{page>:tutorial:feedback&inline}} * For offline help generation the content of ''feedback'' page should be temporary wrapped in ''%%%%''. Note that the headers still propagate to the table of contents even if inside the hidden wrap. Therefore the **Feedback** title needs to be converted to something else, e.g. to code by adding two spaces in front.