====== Tips and Tricks ======
===== Navigation =====
* Scroll the mouse wheel //forward// to zooms in and //backward// to zoom out. Alternatively press + to zoom in and Minus to zoom out. Press Ctrl-0 to restore the default scale.
* Press Ctrl-f to fit the selection into the screen or Ctrl-t to centre it.
* Use the //middle mouse button// or Ctrl+//right mouse button// to pan the view continuosly.
* Use Ctrl-Left, Up, Right, Down to pan the view in small steps.
* Use Ctrl-Shift-Left, Up, Right, Down to pan editor view in full viewport steps.
===== Selection =====
* Hold Shift to include objects into a selection and Ctrl to exclude objects from a selection.
* Press Alt (or AltGr) to highlight adjacent connections of the node under mouse cursor. (Note that in Linux Alt is often reserved for window drag-and-drop operation. Also, if used remotely via Exceed, by default Alt is taken for //local// and its presses are not passed to //remote//.)
* Outline a selection rectangle //from-left-to-right// for adding objects that are inside the selection region, and //from-right-to-left// for adding objects touched by the selection region.
* Press Crtl-a to select everything or Ctrl-i to inverse the selection.
* Use //left mouse button// or Left, Up, Right, Down to move selected components.
* Press Delete to remove selected components.
* Press Ctrl-a to select all objects or Esc to reset selection.
===== Connection =====
* A polyline connection can be created by generating //anchor points// (click outside of existing nodes) before clicking the final node.
* Anchor points can be added to a connection by double-clicking a desired location on the connection line while the //Selection tool// is active.
* Hold Ctrl to connect continuously -- the final node or a previous connection becomes the starting node for the next connection.
* Hold Shift to create a replica node for a connection (only works for certain types of nodes, e.g. places of Petri nets and Signal Transition Graphs).
===== Clipboard and History =====
* Clipboard operations are allowed between the models of the same type: Ctrl-c to copy, Ctrl-x to cut and Ctrl-v to insert.
* History of modifications can be browsed: Ctrl-z to undo and Ctrl-Shift-Z to redo.
===== Grouping =====
* Ctrl-g combines selected objects into a group and Ctrl-Shift-g splits selected groups into individual objects.
* Press PageDown or //double-click// a group to enter it. Press PageUp or //double-click// outside a group to leave it.
===== Simulation =====
* Use [ and ] keys to navigate through the simulation trace.
* In //Signal-State// table the values of excited signals are depicted in bold font.