====== Preparing the documentation ======
===== Graphics for DokuWiki =====
==== Direct insertion of SVG ====
When inserting SVG images in DokuWiki with //Scalable SVG Insert Plugin// use the following scale factors:
* STG - 35%
* PN / FSM / FST / DTD/ WTG - 45%
* Circuits - 50%
==== SVG to PNG conversion ====
When exporting SVG graphics as PNG in Inkscape for inserting into DokuWiki, use the following DPI settings:
* STG - 30 dpi
* PN / FSM / FST / DTD / WTG - 40 dpi
* Circuits - 45 dpi
==== Screenshot dimensions ====
The maximum screenshot size for DokuWiki should be 900x600. This dimensions of Workcraft window can be set via ''~/.config/workcraft/config.xml'' (note the height is set 28 pixel less to accommodate for the title bar):
For fullscreen screenshots the good dimensions seem to be 1900x1000 (minus 28 pixel for the title bar):
===== Offline documentation =====
==== Tutorial materials and help files ====
We use a tweaked version of ''dokuwiki-light'' template for generating offline pages. See [[:devel:dokuwiki|DokuWiki setup]] for instructions of how to produce this template.
* Login as ''workcraft'' user to anonymise the generated html files.
* Disable edit buttons in //Admin->Configuration Settings//:
* In sections: **maxseclevel=0** (3 by default)
* In included files: plugin:include:showeditbtn=false (false by default)
* Temporary modify the content of '':tutorial:feedback'' page (that is included in all tutorials) as follows:
* Wrap the whole form in ''%%%%''.
* Convert **Feedback** title to code by adding two spaces in front. This is because the headers still propagate to the table of contents even if inside the hidden wrap.
* Configure exporter in //Admin->Site Export// as follows:
* Enter your starting Namespace \\ Set Namespace: **help:start** \\ Parent Namespace to export: **(empty)** \\ Export Type: **all sub namespaces**
* Select your Options \\ Export Absolute Paths: false \\ Export Body only: false \\ Export Linked Pages: true\\ Disable cache for current request: **true** \\ Export all parameters (e.g. "do"): false \\ Render Engine: (empty) \\ Export Template: **dokuwiki-light-export** \\ PDF Export: false \\ Numbered Headings: false
* Select one of the Help Creation Options (optional) \\ all options false
* Disable (JS/CSS) Plugins while export \\ all options false
* The site will be exported into siteexport.zip. After downloading and extracting do the following: \\
rm -r _export
rm -r lib/scripts
rm -r lib/tpl
rm -r lib/plugins/acl
rm -r lib/plugins/dw2pdf
rm -r lib/plugins/extensions
rm -r lib/plugins/imagereference
rm -r lib/plugins/include
rm -r lib/plugins/siteexport
rm -r lib/plugins/tag
rm lib/exe/opensearch.html
* Preserve ''lib/images/interwiki'' directory as it contains pictograms for Wikipedia references.
* Some files in lib/images can be removed.
* Do the following replacements in ''*.html'' files of ''help'' directory:
* ''%%"tutorial/%%'' -> ''%%"../tutorial/%%'' (3 occurrences);
* ''%%"../overview/%%'' -> ''%%"../../overview/%%'' (1 occurrence).
* Do the following replacements in ''*.html'' files of ''tutorial'' directory:
* ''%%"../../help/%%'' -> ''%%"../../../help/%%'' (more than 70 occurrences);
* ''%%"../../a2a/%%'' -> ''%%"../../../help/a2a/%%'' (6 occurrences);
* ''%%"../../overview/%%'' -> ''%%"../../../overview/%%'' (2 occurrence).
* If there are files matching the pattern ''*.*.png'' then some of the exported images do not have ''?nolink'' tag. The best option is to correct the corresponding wiki page and export it again.
==== Handouts ====
The best margins for printout of handouts:
* top = 14mm
* bottom = 14mm
* left = 20mm
* right = 20mm
SVG diagrams can be reduced up to the following scale:
* STG - 29%
* PN / FSM / FST - 38%
* Circuits - 40%
This is mostly to avoid wide SVG files that do not fit the page width and have side effect on the scale of all the document, including text.
===== Using work files in LyX =====
This feature requires Workcraft v3.2.3(alpha) or newer.
Register Workcraft with Lyx via //Tools->Preferences->File Handling// menu as follows:
- Add //Work// to the //File Formats// section
* Format: ''Work''
* Document format: true
* Show in export menu: false
* Vector graphics format: true
* Short name: ''work''
* Extension: ''work''
* MIME: ''application/workcraft''
* Editor: (Custom) ''workcraft''
* Viewer: (Custom) ''workcraft''
- Add //Work -> SVG// to the //Converters// section
* From format: ''Work''
* To format: ''SVG''
* Converter: ''%%workcraft -nogui -dir:$$p -exec:"exportSvg(load(args[0]), args[1]); exit();" $$i $$o%%''
Note that Workcraft runner script is assumed to be in the search path. Otherwise you would have to use the full path.